Thursday 2 April 2015

2015.3 - Invidious Kisses

Lines from the Random Line Generator

glasseye kiss frosty river angel mildew storm drain glasseye 
radiant mistyrose shimmer asphyxia white jungle firefly icicle 

Where's #2, I hear you ask? It's written, but I need permission from the person who accidentally supplied the first line.

Sometimes it feels like
I have two glass eyes,
One scrimshawed with
All the lies you told me.

You called me your angel;
I am losing my laden wings
To a mire of mildew,
Radiance reduced to a firefly glimmer.

This misty shimmer is
Not what you think it is -
My heart is frost-cracked,
An expanding drain of hope.

You named me, so
You must claim me -
Angels are not just

I rose from a white storm.
I am all the non-conforming corners,
All the hot and rooted tangle
Of jungle, the enduring fist of tundra.

And we were armed once -
Swords and scimitars -
And I will rise hard,
An icicle to pierce your indolence.

It's not the fight I fear -
It's the asphyxia that stutters
Every time you
Hold me near.

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